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To Smoke Or Not To Smoke?


Welcome to all, who wanted to visit this site. My name is Lena. I am from Israel. I want to present you this site in order to show you how is smoking influences on the body of people. Here I present you some links in which the opinions are sharing. Some sites show their products (cigars & tobacco) and some sites show that smoking is a very big damage for health of people. And here I want to ask you "To smoke or not to smoke?"

Here I want to ask myself: Why do people smoke? The important reason with nicotine is that the drug helps the user maintain his or her daily routine, especially at work. The findings scientists have uncovered in the past 30 years regarding the effects of nicotine, depict a drug that is almost perfectly suited to returning people to a state which might be called psychological neutrality, no matter whether they have been removed from this state by stress or boredom.

It may be also depression. Smoking and Depression? Would you ask yourself this question? Nicotine has been implicated as the primary culprit in the physical dependence on cigarettes. Currently under investigation is whether smokers use this potent drug to self-medicate their depression.

I found a link which relates to well-known Company Philip Morris, here you may find not only products of this company, mission and values, but also information about Youth Smoking Prevention , Health Issues for Smokers, Quitting Smoking and so on. Visit this site. I think this site is one of the best sites wich I visited.

My purpose in this project to show that some sites show that smoking is a very big damage for health of people and another sites do not show this. They demonstrate tabacco of some factures and companies. This sites do not argue FOR SMOKING, but thy are not AGAINST SMOKING.


Sites which do not argue FOR SMOKING, but they are not AGAINST SMOKING:                                                                               

WARNING: Some sites in this part are commercial and have no objectivity. Do not refer to this sites as recommendation to practice.

There are a lot of sites that show you variety of cigars and tabacco products. There are also magazines online. For example: Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Lover's Quaterly

Looking for a particular cigar brand or style? - Free Cigars From New Global - ask us about it!!!

There is also Smoke Magazine Online - The distinctive lifestyle magazine for the cigar and pipe enthuziast, where you can find cigar reviews, cigar forum, smoke-shop and so on.

I also found a site which concludes Cigar Links - From A to Z

Here is a site which tell you about history of cigars and cigarettes. This is official website of company Zig - Zag.


Sites which argue AGAINST SMOKING:                                                                               

Active smoking has been recognized as a major cause of disease and death for at least 40 years. But in the past 20 years a growing body of evidence has shown that exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)—in other words, second hand smoking—may also be a threat to health.

There are many serious and often fatal diseases caused by smoking. Smoking can also increase the incidence and severity of everyday complaints such as coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath when smokers exert themselves. 

Nicotine also influence on body of pregnant woman. Women who smoke during pregnancy are at greater risk than nonsmokers for premature delivery, and there is a risk of lower birth weight for infants carried to term.

Study suggests SMOKING DAMAGE may be long-lasting: People who smoked for many years may face a permanently increased risk of lung cancer, even after giving up the habit.



Smokers getting a chronic conditions such as bronchitis, asthma or high-blood pressure when they reach age 65! Female non-smokers could enjoy an extra eight years without illness than those who smoke.

One in every eight middle-school students use some form of tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, bidis or kreteks) in the past month. This link reports about teens that they also gaining momentum through the influence of magazine advertising and movies, as well as through celebrities who glamorize cigar smoking.

Another arguments from forum of ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) you may recieve if you follow relevant link:



I sent to Learnet my research questions and I recieved answers. My questions were:

- To smoke or not to smoke?

- Do you think that advertising in Internet influences on people that they begin to smoke?

I counted the recieved answers and here is the results: 87.5 percent said NO and only 12.5 percent said YES.

So, you can see that that smoking is bad for your health. But yet there are a lot of people who are smoking. And there a lot of people who do not want quit to smoke. Many of the diseases related to smoking can even cause death. No one should smoke.
But some of those who are already addicted to smoking may think that filters protect them from smoking's harmful effects. But it is not a truth. But some people can not to understand it. And my advice would be not to smoke at all.

Prepared by Elena B., as a project in the Learning with Internet course.

Comments to: MY E-MAIL ADDRESS

Last update: 25.06.2001


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